34 research outputs found

    RHLE: Modular Deductive Verification of Relational \forall\exists Properties

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    Relational program logics are used to prove that a desired relationship holds between the execution of multiple programs. Existing relational program logics have focused on verifying that all runs of a collection of programs do not fall outside a desired set of behaviors. Several important relational properties, including refinement and noninterference, do not fit into this category, as they require the existence of specific desirable executions. This paper presents RHLE, a logic for verifying a class of relational properties which we term \forall\exists properties. \forall\exists properties assert that for all executions of a collection of programs, there exist executions of another set of programs exhibiting some intended behavior. Importantly, RHLE can reason modularly about programs which make library calls, ensuring that \forall\exists properties are preserved when the programs are linked with any valid implementation of the library. To achieve this, we develop a novel form of function specification that requires the existence of certain behaviors in valid implementations. We have built a tool based on RHLE which we use to verify a diverse set of relational properties drawn from the literature, including refinement and generalized noninterference

    Covering All the Bases: Type-Based Verification of Test Input Generators

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    Test input generators are an important part of property-based testing (PBT) frameworks. Because PBT is intended to test deep semantic and structural properties of a program, the outputs produced by these generators can be complex data structures, constrained to satisfy properties the developer believes is most relevant to testing the function of interest. An important feature expected of these generators is that they be capable of producing all acceptable elements that satisfy the function's input type and generator-provided constraints. However, it is not readily apparent how we might validate whether a particular generator's output satisfies this coverage requirement. Typically, developers must rely on manual inspection and post-mortem analysis of test runs to determine if the generator is providing sufficient coverage; these approaches are error-prone and difficult to scale as generators become more complex. To address this important concern, we present a new refinement type-based verification procedure for validating the coverage provided by input test generators, based on a novel interpretation of types that embeds ``must-style'' underapproximate reasoning principles as a fundamental part of the type system. The types associated with expressions now capture the set of values guaranteed to be produced by the expression, rather than the typical formulation that uses types to represent the set of values an expression may produce. Beyond formalizing the notion of coverage types in the context of a rich core language with higher-order procedures and inductive datatypes, we also present a detailed evaluation study to justify the utility of our ideas

    Fiat: Deductive Synthesis of Abstract Data Types in a Proof Assistant

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    We present Fiat, a library for the Coq proof assistant supporting refinement of declarative specifications into efficient functional programs with a high degree of automation. Each refinement process leaves a proof trail, checkable by the normal Coq kernel, justifying its soundness. We focus on the synthesis of abstract data types that package methods with private data. We demonstrate the utility of our framework by applying it to the synthesis of query structures--abstract data types with SQL-like query and insert operations. Fiat includes a library for writing specifications of query structures in SQL-inspired notation, expressing operations over relations (tables) in terms of mathematical sets. This library includes a suite of tactics for automating the refinement of specifications into efficient, correct- by-construction OCaml code. Using these tactics, a programmer can generate such an implementation completely automatically by only specifying the equivalent of SQL indexes, data structures capturing useful views of the abstract data. Throughout we speculate on the new programming modularity possibilities enabled by an automated refinement system with proved-correct rules. “Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it.”--MichelangeloNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (NSF grant CCF-1253229)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA, agreement number FA8750-12-2- 0293

    The End of History? Using a Proof Assistant to Replace Language Design with Library Design

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    Functionality of software systems has exploded in part because of advances in programming-language support for packaging reusable functionality as libraries. Developers benefit from the uniformity that comes of exposing many interfaces in the same language, as opposed to stringing together hodgepodges of command-line tools. Domain-specific languages may be viewed as an evolution of the power of reusable interfaces, when those interfaces become so flexible as to deserve to be called programming languages. However, common approaches to domain-specific languages give up many of the hard-won advantages of library-building in a rich common language, and even the traditional approach poses significant challenges in learning new APIs. We suggest that instead of continuing to develop new domain-specific languages, our community should embrace library-based ecosystems within very expressive languages that mix programming and theorem proving. Our prototype framework Fiat, a library for the Coq proof assistant, turns languages into easily comprehensible libraries via the key idea of modularizing functionality and performance away from each other, the former via macros that desugar into higher-order logic and the latter via optimization scripts that derive efficient code from logical programs

    Fitting the Pieces Together: A Machine-Checked Model of Safe Composition

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    ABSTRACT Programs of a software product line can be synthesized by composing features which implement a unit of program functionality. In most product lines, only some combination of features are meaningful; feature models express the highlevel domain constraints that govern feature compatibility. Product line developers also face the problem of safe composition -whether every product allowed by a feature model is type-safe when compiled and run. To study the problem of safe composition, we present Lightweight Feature Java (LFJ), an extension of Lightweight Java with support for features. We define a constraint-based type system for LFJ and prove its soundness using a full formalization of LFJ in Coq. In LFJ, soundness means that any composition of features that satisfies the typing constraints will generate a well-formed LJ program. If the constraints of a feature model imply these typing constraints then all programs allowed by the feature model are type-safe